Replacement Plungers for Pumps Used in  Water Jet and Petrochemical Industries
Surface finishes of up to 0.3 RMSD (.005µm)

During the last 30 years, demand for high pressure pumps for water jet blasting and water jet cutting operations has grown dramatically. Philadelphia Carbide has met this need with a wide range of replacement parts, including plungers, pistons, backup and.


distance rings, sleeves, bushings, needles, valve seats, plugs and balls. Our replacement parts have been subjected to working pressures in a range of 10,000 psi (750bar) up to 70,000 psi (5000bar). In the past dozen years alone, we have supplied pump parts and components to OEMs around the world and have offered advice on high pressure applications to companies in more than 40 countries.

Today's water jetting pumps often operates in the most demanding service conditions, sometimes in the presence of harsh chemicals, sometimes in a gaseous environment. We have developed special grades of ceramics and carbides, specially tailored for different service conditions, to ensure optimum performance and long life for your replacement parts and components.

Philadelphia Carbide is one of a small number of companies capable of finishing plungers to a surface finish of up to 0.3 RMSD (.005µm). This exceptional finish is crucial to maximize your plungers and packing service life.  

All replacement parts manufactured by Philadelphia Carbide go through extensive quality control to guarantee they meet all your technical specifications---starting from certification to ensure the purity and physical properties of the raw materials, through rigid manufacturing controls, to highly advanced measurement capabilities of the final product.



1451 Anderson Ave. • Oreland, PA 19075
PH: (215) 885-0770